Schedule Update

Upcoming Week’s Play Dates

Jul 30, 2022

We have reached the half-way point of our season (in terms of play dates).  Our remaining 42 dates span the next ten weeks, with several weeks offering five play dates! Here is the first installment of our remaining ten weeks. We have three play dates scheduled for next week, as follows:


Monday, August 1 @ Middlesex, 9-12PM

Tuesday, August 2 @ Milbrook, 9-12PM

Friday, August 5 @ Woodway, 9-12 PM (Lunch offered)

Please try to sign-up for a given play date at least 24 hours in advance. Knowing who plans to attend helps the Host Captain organize the the play date to make it a pleasant experience for all attendees. We also welcome walk-ins.

Hope to see you on the courts!

