Schedule Update

Upcoming Week’s Play Dates

May 13, 2023

We have a FULL week this week with all morning sessions, as follows:

Monday, May 15 at Greenwich CC, 9AM-12PM

Tuesday, May 16 at Shore & Country, 9AM-12PM

Wednesday, May 17 at Belle Haven, 9AM-12PM**

Thursday, May 18 at Stamford YC, 9AM-12PM**

Friday, May 19 at Riverside YC, 9AM-12PM**

**Lunch available after play date

We ask all who plan to attend a play date to please use the electronic sign-up tool. If you do not sign-up you are still welcome but please come for the second block, which for this week will be at 10:30AM for all days.

See you on the courts!
