Upcoming Week

May 20, 2022 | Uncategorized

We have three play dates scheduled for next week as follows:

Monday, 5/23, @ Bailiwick 9-12
Thursday, 5/26, @ Roxbury 1-4PM
Friday, 5/27, @ New Canaan Field Club 1-4PM

Please sign-up for the play dates at least 24 hours in advance so the Host Captain is aware of who is coming and how many members to expect. This information equips the Host Captain to more effectively manage the play date and give some thought to balanced pairings. Over the last couple of play dates, 80% of those attending actually signed-up for the play date. THIS IS FANTASTIC! We’re striving for 100% compliance but fully appreciate that walk-ins will occur as schedules change at the last minute and we want any member who can fit a game in at the last minute to join us.

Thank you for ALL your support!
