Schedule Update

This Week’s Play Dates

May 8, 2023

There are two play dates this week, as follows:

Wednesday, May 10th @ Milbrook from 1-4PM (Lunch available at 12 Noon)

Friday, May 12th at CC Darien from 1-4PM (Lunch available at 12 Noon).

If interested in attending, please sign-up by using the electronic registration tool in the Operating Tools tab of the Members Only section on the GOBs website. We ask that all sign-ups be made 24 hours in advance, which provides the Host Captain the opportunity to plan the play date and make the session a pleasant experience for all participants. While all walk-ins are welcome (anyone not registered for the play date), these members are requested to come for the second half of the play date. For these two sessions the second half is from 2:30-4:00PM.

See you soon!
