Schedule Update

RYC Cancellation and Replacement Date

Oct 4, 2022

Our Captain of RYC, Rick Lannamann, has been contacted by the Club’s pro regarding tomorrow’s play date. The pro has indicated that the courts will most likely be unplayable in the morning because of the recent and ongoing rain projected in the weather forecast. We mutually concluded to CANCEL the play date. He has offered us a replacement date of this Friday (Oct. 7th) to play at RYC from 9-12PM in which the weather forecast is more pleasant. Since this date is not on the Schedule that is resident on our website you won’t be able to execute the normal registration process. Instead, please email me directly ( by 1PM on Thursday to inform me if you do plan to attend Friday’s play date. Rick Lannamann and I will review the registrations to assess how best to proceed with the play date. BTW, lunch is available after the play date.


