Schedule Update

Next Week’s Play Dates

Apr 27, 2024

The first week of the 2024 season is now in the books!  The sign-up process worked very well. The new policy of signing-up by NOON on the day prior to a play date was fully complied with, which gave our Pairings Coordinators sufficient time to assemble balanced foursomes. Bravo! The one lesson learned from this opening week was on unregistering from a play date. We fully appreciate that a conflict may surface subsequent to signing-up for a play date. We ask that if a member has to unregister from a session to also do so by NOON on the day prior to a play date. Unregistering can be done very easily by going back to the Schedule. Refer to ‘Change of Plans’ item in the Opening Day email for precise instructions on unregistering. If the NOON cutoff time is not met it is very important that you contact the Pairings Coordinator immediately and inform him to avoid a ‘busted foursome’ situation. As mentioned in previous communications, we have a specific Pairings Coordinator assigned to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Pairings Coordinator assignments and their emails are as follows:


Monday, Ray Boller,
Wednesday, Mike Boscaino,
Friday, Rob Steeves,


As we look forward to next week, the three play dates are as follows:


Monay, April 29 @ Woodway CC, 1-4PM
Wednesday, May 1 @ Milbrook Club, 1-4PM (Lunch available before)
Friday, May 3 @ New Canaan Field Club, 1-4PM


For those that do sign-up, please check your email on the morning of the play date for an update on potential cancellations due to inclement weather.


Have fun on the courts!

