Schedule Update

New Play Date

Jul 4, 2024

Happy July 4th! Enjoy the holiday and be safe!

The GOBs transformation journey, that was launched in 2021, has had a notable impact on member vibrancy, our prowess on the court, relations with our 17 partner clubs, and market image. The surge in popularity of the GOBs has motivated some local clubs to inquire about becoming a partner club, as they see the GOBs as a compelling opportunity to expand tennis programming for their eligible members.

While we have rejected prior inquiries from clubs for various reasons, the Executive Committee is currently considering adding a new club to our portfolio of partner clubs, the Greenwich Field Club (GFC). As part of this process, the candidate club is requested to host a play date for our members in order for the GOBs members to get a sense of the venue, be exposed to the tennis skills of the club members being put forward, and provide feedback to the Executive Committee about their experience in participating in the candidate club’s play date.

Greenwich Field Club has complied with the request of setting a play date at their facility, which is scheduled for next Friday, July 12 from 1:30-4:30PM. The address of GFC is 276 Lake Avenue, Greenwich CT. The play date has been posted to our Schedule and is available for sign-up.

We would appreciate getting a good turnout for this play date so we can get our members exposed to the venue and to the GFC candidates being proposed. This will give the Executive Committee broader insight and a sense of member support as we consider bringing GFC into the GOBs.

Thank you,