There are 30 days remaining before our 40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on Wednesday, Sept. 6th at Stamford Yacht Club (SYC). We are expected to provide SYC with an estimated headcount by August 23rd, which is about two weeks out.


For those who have not yet responded, I encourage you to take a moment and review your calendar as this communication represents the LAST CALL for sign-ups.


Like last year, the evening will kick-off with cocktails at 5:30PM followed by an extravagant buffet-style dinner. Attire is country club casual. Jackets are not required. It’s a low key, fun-packed event. We hope to duplicate the great time had by all attendees at last year’s highly-attended event.


I’m looking forward to a memorable evening!


The remainder of this communication provides guidance on how to register and make a payment. 


Registration Instructions


You register for the event as you would a play date. Go to the Schedule on the website and click on the Sept. 6th date. There are two events that day, the top one is a play date and the bottom one is the Anniversary Celebration. Click on the Anniversary Celebration and a registration form will pop-up. If you wish to bypass the electronic registration, you can send me an email at:


Payment Instructions


Anyone that registers should send their check payable to ‘Fred Baker’ (our Treasurer) to:

Fred Baker

292 Sound Beach Ave, Unit #1

Old Greenwich, CT 06870-1624


The cost is $95 for a couple, and $50 for a single. You can also pay electronically by Zelle. The Zelle payment instructions are as follows:

1. Confirm that your bank provides the Zelle feature.

2. Enroll your email or mobile number on your bank’s app or with the Zelle app.

3. Enter good old boys association (all lower case) or mobile number of Fred Baker, which is 203-522-3205. The GOBs Bank is Key Bank, 2386 Summer Street, Stamford CT 06905. Phone is 203-653-3031.

4. Enter the amount to send.

Note: You may see two good old boys associations when you access Zelle. Use the one with the cell number 203-522-3205. Do not use the one with

                                                                           * * * * * * * * * * 


Thank you for giving this event your consideration. We trust it will be a memorable event for all attendees. 
