Happy Father’s Day

Jun 18, 2023 | General Announcements

Happy Father’s Day to all of our dads!
We only have ONE play date this coming week on Wednesday, June 21st at CC of New Canaan from 1-4PM.
With such a short note regarding play dates, I would like to provide you an overview of four anniversary-related events that will be occurring over the next 90 days to commemorate our 40th anniversary season.
#1–On July 1, Moffly Media, an award-winning magazine publisher, will release its July/August 2023 edition. This issue will have an article on the GOBs, which will be featured in its various town-named magazines. Moffly owns the Greenwich Magazine; New Canaan-Darien+Rowayton Magazine; Stamford Magazine; and Westport, Weston & Wilton Magazine.
The article will provide a historical view of the GOBs and will also mention an event that the GOBs will be hosting on August 17th with Grassroots Tennis & Education at the Tokeneke Club for underprivileged youth. Grassroots’ mission is to build strength of character and a foundation for success on the tennis court, in the classroom, and in life. For those reading the article, there will be an instruction to go to the GOBs website (www.gobs-tennis.com) if one is inclined to learn more about the event. To ensure that our website provides the neccessary information for all those inquiring minds, our homepage will reflect a temporary change in the form of a banner that provides details about the event beginning July 1st (date the magazines will be released) through August 17th (date of the Grassroots event).
Due to Moffly’s editorial policy, we will not be privy to the content of the article before issuance. However, we are aware that there will be images of the original foursome including the GOBs Founder, Alex Reddin. There will also be mention of the 18 clubs that have been partners of the GOBs over the last 40 years. I understand that a few of our members who were photographed at a recent play date at New Canaan Field Club will also grace the article. Our own Roy Anderson, who is Chair of the Advisory Board of Grassroots, will have a quote in the article along with one from David Kimani, the Senior Director of Tennis at Grassroots.  There may be other goodies as well but I encourage you all to get a copy of the July edition of the magazine.
#2–On August 17th, GOBs will host the Inaugural Arthur J. Goldblatt Memorial Tennis Tournament. Art was a member of the GOBs from Shore Country, and was the Founder of Grassroots. This tournament is named in his honor and reinforces the GOBs commitment to give back to the community through our passion of playing tennis.
The GOBs will be making a donation to Grassroots Tennis & Education. If any member is also interested in making a donation, we ask you to make your check payable to Grassroots Tennis & Education and send it to our Treasurer, as follows:
Mr. Fred Baker
292 Sound Beach Avenue, Unit #1
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Fred will accumulate all member checks and we will present them to Grassroots along with our check from the GOBs. For those interested in donating to Grassroots, we ask that your check be provided to Fred Baker by August 1st.
#3–A second publication, Darienmagazinect.com, a new multi-media platform focused on the Darien community has also committed to incorporating an article about the GOBs and our upcoming August 17th event in their July/August issue.
#4–Our 40th Anniversary Celebration is set for Wednesday, Sept. 6th at Stamford Yacht Club starting at 5:30PM. This will surely be a night to remember. You can sign-up for this event by going to Sept. 6th on our Schedule and clicking on 40th Anniversary Celebration, which will allow the registration form to pop-up. If anyone has an issue registering or is a tad uncomfortable signing-up electronically, no worries, just email me at jimmcguirect@aol.com and I will take care of you.
Enjoy your Father’s Day and we’ll see you soon.