GOBs Concept
The Good Old Boys (GOBs) was formed in May, 1983 to provide weekday competitive tennis for senior men at area clubs. Alex Reddin of Milbrook founded the group in response to the difficulty he and others were having in arranging games at their respective clubs due to the lack of a sufficient number of senior players.
Alex persuaded several clubs in Fairfield County to host play enabling seniors at these clubs to meet and enjoy tennis with a larger talent pool. The play dates were pre-arranged and rotated between the clubs. Through this partnership the clubs were able to expand their tennis offerings to senior players.
This novel partnering between the GOBs and the clubs attracted 39 players from nine clubs to its initial outing at Wee Burn. Today, the GOBs number over 130 members and have 70 play dates from late April through early October, scheduled across 18 clubs.

Alex Reddin