GOBs Annual Meeting

Sep 2, 2022 | General Announcements

We have now completed 75% of this season’s play dates with only 20 play dates remaining from our 80 scheduled dates (includes the four indoor dates at NC Racquet Club). It’s been a heck of season thus far with lots of spirited games, memorable lunch conversations, and wonderful camaraderie. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback over the course of the season and on behalf of our entire Executive Committee, I sincerely ‘thank you’ for your support.


The Executive Committee has tried to elevate the member experience over the last couple of years by developing a content-rich website, communicating with blast emails by leveraging the email addresses on the website’s Roster, infusing nearly 40 new members into the group, implementing the play date registration process, and creating a variety of pre-scheduled playing formats (e.g., singles, doubles, and multi-court integration options) where possible. Additionally, we expanded the interest of participation in the 2022 GOBs Tourney over last year’s inaugural season. While we’ve made significant advances, we feel there are still more steps that can be taken to further improve the member experience. The Executive Committee has already begun deliberating over some of these improvements and look forward to presenting them at our Annual Meeting on Thursday, September 15 at Shore & Country at NOON. Please try to make an effort to attend the Annual Meeting, as it will be an opportunity to discuss both our achievements and future plans.


In addition to improving the member experience, one other key point that is linked to ensuring our long-term sustinability is having the appropriate mix of leadership talent on our Executive Committee. As the GOBs continues to evolve, we will need to adapt and fine-tune the composition of our Executive Committee which will allow other members the opportunity to participate in the future development of the GOBs. For those that may be interested in becoming more engaged in the leadership of GOBs, and have the time and inclination to actively participate, please let me know. I may also be reaching out to a few of you to gauge your interest in becoming more involved in the leadership of the GOBs, which spans the Executive Committee, the Operations Committee (comprised of Captains), and other working committees.


BTW, I am absolutely thrilled with the response to next Wednesday’s Summer Social at Stamford Yacht Club. We may have hit an all-time high for potential attendees at a GOBs Social Event. We are expecting a turnout of about 80 people between members and spouses/significant others. Well done, gentlemen!


Enjoy the Labor Day weekend! I will get next week’s four play dates out in a separate communication.

