August 17th Charity Event

Aug 12, 2023 | Social Event Announcement

At the play dates this past week there were several inquiries posed about next Thursday’s charity event. I appreciate the inquiries and am encouraged by the support for the event. This communication highlights key points regarding the event but my main message today is: PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO  SUPPORT GOBs’ COMMITMENT TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY.


The GOBs will be hosting the inaugural Arthur J. Goldblatt Tennis Tournament at the Tokeneke Club next Thursday, August 17th from 9AM-12PM. This tournament reflects the GOBs commitment to give back to the community and support organizations whose mission shares our group’s passion for the sport of tennis. The GOBs will partner with Norwalk/Stamford Grassroots Tennis & Education and provide their youth with an opportunity to play the sport they love and expose them to seasoned role models that could further develop their life skills and character formation.


While 12 GOBs members will participate on-the-court with youngsters from Grassroots, we expect to supplment this participation with off-the-court support from our remaining members, which will showcase our collective desire to give back to the community. These members will have a similar opportunity to connect with a youngster while at the event, whether it be between rounds or at lunch. Admission is free. A continental breakfast will be available and a buffet lunch will be served after the tournament. The cost for food and beverages is $30 and can be billed to your club’s account. To accommodate the tournament, the play date scheduled at Tokeneke on Thursday is CANCELED.


For those so inclined to donate to Grassroots, you can do so in one of two ways:


Electronic Donation: Go to You can click on the black ‘donate’ button and a form will pop-up for you to input your information. Please indicate that you are associated with the GOBs.


Mail-in Donation: While it may not be included in the total amount that will be announced at the tournament (due to timing of receipt), you can also send a check to Grassroots as follows:


Grassroots Tennis & Education
c/o Samantha Hayes
11 Ingalls Ave
Norwalk, CT 06854

Again, please indicate that you are a member of the GOBs.


If you do attend, proudly wear your GOBs apparel!



