Annual Meeting

Aug 9, 2024 | General Announcements

As some of you know by being longer-standing GOBs members, we typically conducted a GOBs Annual Meeting in September. The Meeting was held after a morning play date at Shore & Country Club (S&C) where members had lunch, enjoyed conversation, reviewed the year, and looked ahead to next year. Once COVID hit in 2020 (which cancelled our entire season), I deferred to an end-of-season email update to our membership. I’ve stuck to that routine over the last four years.

While we’ve changed several things within GOBs since 2020, I thought it might be time to rekindle the spirit of having an Annual Meeting. In adding 70 new members over these last few years, many are still on-boarding and getting acclimated to the group, while others are trying to keep up with the changes. The Annual Meeting would serve as a vehicle to share key points, have a live Q&A, present trophies to the Champions and Finalists of both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ Flights of the Singles and Doubles Divisions of the GOBs Tourney, and for newer members to meet a fair share of our membership. To get a better feel about the interest level of having the meeting, I reached out to the captains and posed the question to them. Their response was overwhelmingly supportive of having the Annual Meeting.

With the captains endorsing the meeting, we have set its date for Thursday, September 5 at 12 NOON at S&C. However, there is one caveat. To justify coordinating and prepping for the meeting, we would like to have the luncheon meeting only if we get a minimum of 60 attendees. Since we have two weeks to give S&C a final headcount on August 23, I have asked the captains to touch base with the members of their respective clubs, beginning tomorrow, to get an attendance count.

I encourage you to attend and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow GOBs members.

We’ll be in touch!