Dues Collection Notice…

Feb 17, 2024 | Uncategorized

We’re coming off of a glorious 40th Anniversary season last year, which included a memorable dinner at Stamford Yacht Club on September 6th. The dinner was attended by over 100 people and included Alex Reddin’s son, Sandy, as well as offspring of deceased members who reminisced about each of their Dad’s fondness of the GOBs.
The Executive Committee has been fueled by the excitement generated by the broad set of events associated with our 40th Anniversary season as we’ve prepared for the 2024 season. We are now poised to take the first step of launching the upcoming season, which is Dues Collection. Like last year, we wish to complete this task well before start of the season, which is set for April 22nd, so we can dedicate our collective focus on Opening Day and the details associated with Play Date Management.
Our 2024 dues structure has been changed to reflect a distinction between an Active versus a Sustainer member. An Active member is one that attends play dates and a Sustainer is one that prefers to remain on our email distribution and maintain contact with the GOBs through our social functions. The 2024 dues for each of these two membership categories are as follows:  Active–$45, and Sustainer–$25.
If any Active member does not anticipate playing this season due to an injury or ailment but wishes to retain their spot at their Club, their annual dues will be adjusted downward to $25, until such time they are ready to once again convert to Active status. If you plan to exercise that option, please inform our Treasurer, Bob Conologue at rjconologue@yahoo.com. We will also continue to honor the tradition of waiving the annual dues for a member who has reached the age of 90. Bravo!
We offer two methods of payment. One is by check and the other, which is the preferred method, is by Zelle (an electronic payment method offered by banks). The instructions for each payment method are as follows:
Check Payment
Make your check payable to our Treasurer, ‘Robert J. Conologue’. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE CHECK OUT TO ‘GOBs’, as our group is not an LLC and does not have a Tax ID number. 
Send your dues check to Bob at:
Bob Conologue
216 Leroy Avenue
Darien, CT 06820
Zelle Payment (Preferred Method of Payment)
This electronic payment can be made from your computer by going to the online version of your bank ‘s checking account. Upon accessing your account, click on  ‘Payments and Transfers’. Note that you will have to enroll in Zelle, if you haven’t used it before. Once in the Payments and Transfers screen, click on the send money option. Input Bob Conologue’s email, which is rjconologue@yahoo.com and the appropriate amount. Then hit send. 
In either case , if you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach Bob on his cell at 917- 225-4126 .
We have set a target date for dues payments to be received by Friday, March 15th.We would really appreciate each member making every effort to making this target date. As always, please let me know if you have any questions/comments. There will be a number of additional communications coming before the start of the season. Be on the lookout!