Leadership Succession

Dec 23, 2023 | General Announcements

On behalf of the GOBs Executive Committee, I would like to wish all our members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We also hope all members who observe Hanukkah enjoyed your eight nights of festivities.
In preparation for the GOBs 2024 season, the Executive Committee has had conference calls with the captains to discuss a number of topics. One of those topics has been Succession Planning. The Executive Committee has established a Succession Advisory Committee (SAC), which is tasked with identifying the next slate of talented and dedicated members to lead the GOBs. This Committee is comprised of the following members:
Tom Ayoub
Ray Boller (Leader)
Mike Boscaino
Rob Steeves
Jim Waugh
The SAC is expected to propose their list of candidates to the current Executive Committee within the next few weeks. The new leaders will “shadow” the current Executive Committee throughout the 2024 season and assume leadership of the GOBs in October 2024. If any member is interested in being considered for a role on the Executive Committee, you should contact Ray Boller via email at r.boller24@gmail.com as soon as convenient. We look forward to a well-coordinated and seamless transfer of leadership. We will keep you abreast of developments on this important topic.
One final point. We will be opening the 2024’s season’s dues collection process soon. We will be asking for timely receipt of the dues so we can get this activity behind us before the season starts in late April.
Enjoy the holidays!