Schedule Update

This Week’s Play Dates…

Oct 2, 2022

This is the LAST week of our 2022 GOBs season! We’ve had a terrific 40th season with the highlight being our spectacular Summer Social at Stamford Yacht Club on Sept. 7th. Thanks to all of you for being so cooperative and supportive of our management team throughout the season. If you would like to provide any feedback on the season or share any suggestions to improve the member experience, please email me at



Here are the two play dates for this week:


Tuesday, Oct. 4 @ Innis Arden, 9-12PM (Lunch)

Wednesday, Oct. 5 @ Riverside YC, 9-12PM (Lunch)



Hope to see you at one of this week’s play dates but if not have a great off-season, and we’ll be in touch!


