Schedule Update

Upcoming Week’s Play Dates

Sep 3, 2022

We have four play dates next week, one of them incorporating our GOBs Tourney Flight B Singles Championship Match. Here we go…


Tuesday, Sept. 6 @ Innis Arden, 9-12PM (Lunch)

Wednesday, Sept. 7 @ CC New Canaan, 9-12 (Lunch) ***

Thursday, Sept. 8 @ Stamford YC, 9-12 (Lunch)

Friday, Sept. 9 @ CC Darien, 1-4PM

***Flight B Singles Championship Match (Hans Kirchgaessner vs. Gerhard Gnaedig)

Please try to sign-up at least 24 hours before a play date and to unsubscribe from a play date within the same timeframe, if possible. The current sign-ups for next week look very low so if you plan to play, please sign-up. Also, next week has some rain forecasted so be on the look out for announcements regarding play date cancellations.

