40th Anniversary Celebration

May 21, 2023 | Social Event Announcement

I would like everyone to take a moment and focus on our 40th Anniversary Celebration, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 6th at Stamford Yacht Club. The event will kick-off with cocktails at 5:30PM and transition to a buffet sit-down dinner. Last year’s event attracted 80 attendees. The setting was fantastic and the food and service were great. The buffet presented multiple culinary delights to satisfy one’s palette. Because of the significance of this year’s milestone, we expect an even larger turnout for this outdoor event.
If you are interested in attending, please go to the Members Only section of the website and click on Operating Tools. Go to the Schedule as if you were signing-up for a play date. Once you access the Schedule, drag your mouse to Sept. and then click on the bottom item on the Sept. 6th date, the 40th Anniversary Celebration. The Registration Form will pop-up so that you can input your name and indicate whether you will be coming with a guest. This year’s cost will be $95 per couple or $50 for a single along with a Cash Bar.
If you do plan to attend, I encourage you to register as soon as convenient. I will send periodic reminders on registering for the event during the months of June, July, and August. Just FYI, we will most likely cap attendance for the event to around 100 people so I do suggest you register in a timely manner if you plan to join the festivities. Our Treasurer, Fred Baker, will follow-up at a later date with a request for a check/Zelle payment but let’s focus on signing-up for the event at this juncture.
Should be a great evening and an even better memory!